Slide 1
60 années d'évolution

Une optimisation permanente des process

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Staff safety

Livestock handling operations present risks that require to be controled. Organization of flows, equipment design and training are the key to staff work comfort and safety.

Animal welfare

Animal welfare is a crucial issue for meat industry. We are committed in the comfort of animals thanks to our technical approach in «MORPHO-DESIGN».

Optimized maintenance

Our facilities are designed to generate the simplest possible maintenance: we use certified raw materials, robust construction methods and top quality supplies.

Control of the process

We develop equipment and processes based on scientific data and observation of animal behaviour in our facilities for over 60 years.

A trusted partnership

Each project is an occasion for a site visit, where we consider all the main and secondary technical data of operation: situation, environment, aspect, sewage, cleaning...

Personalized support and follow-up

When commissioning, we provide you with an operating book for your installation technical monitoring.

Over 250 equipped sites

Since 1958 we have developed and optimised fitted processes. We have developed our know-how in more than 250 equipped, maintained, optimized and sometimes extended stablings.

International reputation

Our company is able to deliver equipment and services in the French Overseas Departments and Territories as well as for export.



Retrouvez-nous au CFIA
les 29 et 30 septembre 2020

CFIA, le Carrefour des Fournisseurs de l’Industrie Agroalimentaire, aura lieu les 29, 30 septembre 2020 et 1er octobre 2020, au Parc Expo Rennes Aéroport,
Rue Jules Vallès, Saint-Jacques de la Lande
Retrouvez-nous au Hall 5 Stand D40-E39


Retrouvez-nous au sommet de l’Elevage
les 7,8 et 9 octobre 2020

Le sommet de l’Elevage, Salon Européen des professionnels de l’élevage, aura lieu les 7, 8 et 9 octobre 2020, dans la Grande halle d’Auvergne
à la plaine Sarliève, 63800 Cournon d’Auvergne
Retrouvez-nous au Hall 3 Stand n°20

Our business

We produce equipment for handling and restraining livestock in the sales and processing phases: Slaughterhouse – Livestock market – Sorting centre

Our expertise gives us the ability to offer solutions to ensure the safety of personnel and the well-being of the animal: processes around man and animal.

Our team has the technical skills to support you in your stabling projects from the pre-feasibility study to the installation’s commissioning. We work in France and worldwide.

Our processes respect the standards in place, and are chosen by our customers for their simplicity, reliability, durability and user comfort: their renewed confidence confirms our promise of reactivity and availability.


Slaughterhouse stabling

The quality of animal welfare in the slaughterhouse is essential for the quality of the finished products. The stalling area is a technical area that must respond to the rigorous criteria of the labour code and health regulations.


Sorting center

Sorting center involves more and more operations that have to be completed in the shortest possible time. Compliance with all the regulations and achieving the best possible productivity requires high-performance technical equipment.

P6 Ring marché au cadran-retouchee

Livestock auction market

Livestock market facilities must combine commercial and technical imperatives: ensure relevant assessment of the animals and offer the best conditions for safety and animal welfare. The auction markets must have a dynamic presentation rhythm.


Livestock over-the-counter market

OTC market equipment must adapt to regulatory changes while respecting the traditions of livestock trade.